Hundreds of dollars fall from pages of Bible (6/94) The following is from Christian Crusade Newspaper, P.O. Box 977, Tulsa, OK 74102, in its 42nd year of publication. We can be E-mailed on America On Line as Christcrew, on Compuserve at 72204,541, and via the Internet as . by Keith Wilkerson, editor Mrs. Zelma Neal was not expecting to go to church and come home richer. She had been in such a rush to get to her Sunday school class at Rantoul, Illinois' First Methodist Church that she even left her Bible at home. So, she ducked into the church library and borrowed a new Bible. As she walked down the hall, she removed the plastic wrapper. Sitting down in class, she quickly turned to the lesson text, the ninth chapter of Daniel Ð a grim passage about God's wrath when His people are unfaithful. Suddenly, $600 fell out from between the pages. "I squealed," she told the Associated Press. "At first I thought it was play money. But then it dawned, that's real money!" Considering the solemn warnings in the lesson text, the unexpected blessing was almost ironic -- except that the passage does carry the theme found elsewhere that God will shelter and provide for His failful even in terrible times of national judgment. Mrs. Neal says she has donated the six, new, crisp $100 bills to the church's Renovation Fund. "We see it as a gift from God," she said. WHAT IS CHRISTIAN CRUSADE NEWSPAPER? Christian Crusade Newspaper is in its 42nd year, has a worldwide circulation and is published by Christian Crusade, P.O. Box 977, Tulsa, OK 74102. It is mailed to subscribers without charge as a result of the conviction of its founder not to put a price-tag on the gospel. For a free subscription, just ask. Although Dr. Hargis no longer travels, editor-in-chief Keith Wilkerson accepts speaking invitations. Both can be E-mailed on America On Line as Christcrew, on GEnie as K.Wilkerson3, via the Internet as, and on Compuserve at 72204,541.